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SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit)
SMETA ist ein Auditing-Verfahren, das von der Organisation Sedex (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) entwickelt wurde, um die Einhaltung von Arbeitsrechten, Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsstandards, Umweltstandards und Geschäftsethik in der Lieferkette zu überprüfen.
Es hilft dabei Standards für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Sicherheit, Umweltleistung und Ethik im Betrieb oder am Standort eines Lieferanten zu verstehen. Wir erhalten Unterstützung durch einen Korrekturmaßnahmenplan, der Arbeitnehmer vor unsicheren Arbeitsbedingungen, Überarbeitung, Diskriminierung, niedriger Bezahlung und Zwangsarbeit schützt.
Weitere Infos auf:
amfori BSCI
Amfori BSCI has set itself the goal of improving the supply chain and summarizes 11 principles in a code of conduct that lead to the achievement of these goals. This includes, among other things, fair pay for workers, the prevention of child labor, transparency, as well as gender and diversity. Together we ensure the continuous improvement of our processes in social and economic terms. Conversely, we are supported in these goals by monitoring and audit tools and similar programs as well as training and workshops to improve our supply chain.
Further information at:

Declaration of Policy

Sustainability report
Read our current sustainability report 2023!
We at Weissengruber Textil have tried to reflect this as accurately as possible in our sustainability report and are constantly improving our performance.
You can read below about the steps we have already taken to contribute to a sustainable environment and fair coexistence!
Supply Chain
Our Green Button products come from Pakistan (Karachi) and China (Ningbo, Zhejiang).
Our suppliers are established companies with whom we have been working together for years. Our partnerships are based on trust and communication, complemented by regular audits and certifications.
We have made quality our habit.
It’s not something that we just strive for
– we live by this principle every day.

Contact us:
Tel.: +43 732 77 30 75
Obere Donaulände 1, 4020 Linz
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