A place for your Feedback!
We have developed two options how you can give us feedback!
This is how we protect your interests and our environment!
We are aware that as a company we have to take responsibility for our supply chains and are working hard to continuously improve them. If you are directly or indirectly affected by our production or supply chain and would like to share experiences or complaints, we encourage you to share them with us or confidentially! Thank you for your trust!
Option #1
Anonym and confidential!
By filling out this form, you can discuss your suggestions for improvement potential, your complaint or information about violations in our production or supply chain in complete confidence so that the problems can be followed up objectively. Since we want to encourage this kind of exchange, you can of course remain anonymous!
Option #2
If you would like to address your concerns directly to us, you can also do so via the online form:
We also welcome your feedback and suggestions by mail at
Contact us:
Tel.: +43 732 77 30 75
Email: office@weissengruber-textil.at
Obere Donaulände 1, 4020 Linz
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